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There is one built-in core pack with basic cards, a dice and chips. See app/pack for reference. For creating your own pack, mirror the setup, change to your liking and create a zip directory (make sure there is no extra folder in there). Change the file extension to .stnx and you are ready to share it. To import it, open the app and go to Packs. Then click on the import button in the top right corner.

You can find the code for the core pack here.

Pack Structure

  • Directorybackgrounds
    • cards.json
    • grid.json
  • Directoryboards
    • chess.json
  • Directorydecks
    • chess.json
    • chips.json
    • dices.json
    • doko.json
    • doko9.json
    • full.json
    • poker.json
    • skat.json
  • Directoryfigures
    • cards.json
    • chess_black.json
    • chess_white.json
    • chips.json
    • d6.json
  • Directorytextures
    • Directorybackgrounds
      • cards.png
      • grid.png
    • Directoryboards
      • chess.png
    • Directoryfigures
      • cards.png
      • chess.png
      • chips.png
      • d6.png
  • Directorytranslations
    • en.json
  • pack.json