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Servers can easily be started by running the executable in the console. The server will start on 28006 by default. You can find all available options by running the executable with the --help flag.


When starting the server, it will create a directory called packs in the current working directory. This directory will contain all the packs that are loaded into the server. There should be a core pack already installed in the directory. This pack contains all the default cards, boards, and dice. Put your custom packs in this directory to load them into the server.

By default, the server will use an unsecure websocket connection using http. To use a secure connection with https, you need to provide a certificate and key file. This can be done by creating a directory called certs in the current working directory and putting the certificate (with name server.crt) and key file (with name server.key) in there.

The world will be saved in the current working directory in a file called world.stnx. This file will contain all the data of the world, including the packs that are loaded into the server. This file is compatible with the single player world file.


The server software can also be used as a library. This allows you to create custom server software with your own logic. The server software is written in Dart.

To create a new project with the server software, you can use the following command:

Terminal window
dart create server
cd server

Now go to the pubspec.yaml file and add the following dependency:

path: server
ref: <version>

Replace <version> with the version you want to use (for example v0.1.0). It’s recommended to use the latest version.

Now go to the bin/main.dart file and add the following code:

import 'package:setonix_server/setonix_server.dart';
Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) {
return runServer(arguments);

Now you can run the server software with the following command:

Terminal window
dart run

You will have the same setup as the server software, but you can now customize it to your needs.


To further customize the server software, you can pass an onLoad function to the runServer function. This function will be called when the server loads. You can use this function to add custom logic to the server software.

import 'package:setonix_server/setonix_server.dart';
Future<void> main(List<String> arguments) {
return runServer(arguments, onLoad);
Future<void> onLoad(SetonixServer server) async {
print("on load was called");
// Add your custom code here
bool toggleCancel = false;
// Put the event you want to listen to in the brackets
server.eventSystem.on<ObjectsMoved>((e) {
print("Listener was called, cancel: $toggleCancel");
// Cancel the event every second time and duplicate the objects instead
if (toggleCancel) {
final event = e.clientEvent;
final table = e.getTableOrDefault(event.table);
final cell = table.getCell(event.from);
final objects = List<GameObject>.from(table.getCell(;
for (final index in event.objects) {
final object = cell.objects[index];
// Send the event to all clients
e.sendEvent(ObjectsSpawned(e.clientEvent.table, { objects}));
// Cancel the event
toggleCancel = !toggleCancel;

See the API documentation for more information about the server software.

There are examples, you can find here.